As a follower of Christ I had a struggle that chased me for a very long time. I was devastated by it and no matter how hard I tried to overcome it, I was never successful.
Being able to hear God’s voice was my main problem. At this point in my life I can’t say that I hear it every time, but I surely changed my attitude.

I have to start by saying that I don’t have a really good memory. I don’t know if before I got baptized I already heard His voice. So, after that disclaimer I can start to tell you my experience.  
I personally accepted Jesus into my life in 2014. I was still pretty young by then but I already saw His grace and awesomeness. At that time I faced hard trials. I convinced myself that I was the only person who could help myself to win my battles. I felt all the weight of this world on my shoulder and little by little everything was falling apart, I thought it was all my fault.

The first time that I heard God’s voice

Before I gave my life to God I had really bad and toxic thoughts. And after I was born again I knew God forgave me for every wrong thought that I had. But still, there was something that dragged me down. I couldn’t overcome my struggles because I was still accusing myself, I wasn’t able to forgive me!

After two years of pain and of shame I was finally able to let everything go. In the summer of 2016 I finally heard God’s voice, I literally saw Him.
That year, at a christian summer camp, I realized that I wanted all the weight to go away. So every night, during worship/intercession time, I prayed to God. I prayed to Him that I was not able to carry everything by myself, I prayed that I wanted relief.

Now I am telling you guys that He heard me and replied, the fourth night something happened. I was with my eyes closed, and I screamed at Him and He came to rescue me. That time I didn’t really hear Him but, as I said before, I saw God. I saw God’s hand reaching out to me, taking all the weight from my heart. Right after that vision I immediately felt lighter and happy and in peace.

Then I realized that the struggle of hearing God’s voice has  just started

After that first amazing experience my connection with Him just faded away. And I know it was all my fault, I didn’t cultivate my relationship with Jesus. I started to find “satisfaction” in things of this world, I lived the life that I wanted not the life that I needed.
I used to cry by myself every night, I was so lost and I think I was also prideful.

Between my 17 and my 19 I cried out to God many times, I asked Him to help me but at the same time I wanted to do things on my own. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t hear Him. I was mad with myself because I saw people around me receiving words from Him and I couldn’t hear a single word. Even when I changed my life I was still struggling, I couldn’t figure out why. At a certain point I also felt ashamed that I never received anything, I felt like everybody was growing in their faith and I was left behind.

Not only I was ashamed that I wasn’t able to hear God’s voice but I was also ashamed to talk about it with someone. And that was a big mistake that I committed. When I finally decided to talk about it I found out that I wasn’t the only one with that problem.

In my next post I’ll share with you some keys to be able to hear His voice

I really want to share with you some fire keys on how to Hear God’s Voice. I’ll talk about it in my next blog post. Here I just wanted to share with you a little bit of my experience. There’s much more to talk about but for now I’ll stop here. If you are interested in knowing more just contact me here or DM me on IG.
When the new post will be available I’ll leave the link here.