Let’s be honest. One of the things that we want the most is to be chosen. Since we were kids we wanted to be picked or simply wanted.

As human beings we want to be chosen. I think it’s in our nature because we need to relate to other people and that feeds this desire.

I still remember when I was a child and we had to split in teams for games. All I wanted was to be picked at least not for last. Even if you are just a child you already knew how hurting can be to be the last choice. It can be even more painful when it comes to love. One of our biggest desires is to be the choice of the one we chose, isn’t it? Unfortunately most of the time it doesn’t happen, and behind it we can find many different reasons.

One of the most heartbreaking causes is when you realize that someone doesn’t want you or rejects you.

Rejection hits very hard and it’s painful. Rejection can move many doubts in you. You start to wonder if anything wrong is with you, you start to lower yourself. You lose the real version of yourself.

I’m not only talking about love rejection but also about any other type of rejections. It doesn’t matter the type, it always hurts.

But talking about love rejection. I know that it hurts so much because we thought we could create something real and deep with the other person. We started to hope in things we thought we saw, and in projecting this we felt so happy and we increased this desire. But then we come to reality, and in real life everything is different. Our fantasy will stay a fantasy because the other one, on the other side, didn’t see the same thing as we did.

I bet you went through this and at a point you were stuck. You had no idea what could help you to overcome all of this pain, because honestly rejection can really break us. 

Like when we were kids, we want to be chosen not because we are the last choice but because the other person really desires us.

But what if I tell you that rejection is not necessarily something negative.

We always saw rejection as something that is only painful. We have always seen it from the perspective of this world. But have you ever tried to see it from another point of view? I recently opened my eyes about this topic…Did you know that human beings’ rejection towards us is God’s protection for us? Crazy right?

Who could ever think that God could protect us through someone who didn’t want us? This is another proof on how God is amazing, and how much He cares about us.

Now I’m gonna explain to you what I really mean. 

“The rejection you’re going through right now it’s actually God’s way of saving you from so many things you might not know about” (It’s from a YouTube video: REJECTION – GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU).

We don’t know what can happen in our future, we cannot see what is going to happen next but we always and only focus on what we are going through right now. I’m telling you that this is good news, it means that we still have hope and for sure there’s someone else out there that is perfectly for us. I’m so happy to know that I’ve been preserved from something that could ruin me even more. What about you?

I’m more secure now than before that even in the worst pain there’s always something good in it, because what the enemy meant for evil, God uses for good. 

If right now you have this feeling that no one wants you, don’t you worry. The best is yet to come and the pain you’re feeling now will disappear. Don’t go crazy because you can’t control what is going on, Jesus got your back and He knows what you need at the right time. 

Something I want to remind you is that even if you feel rejected, never lower yourself. Just because this person didn’t want you it doesn’t mean you are less valuable. It doesn’t mean you are less beautiful. It doesn’t mean you are wrong. If that person didn’t choose you maybe because it wasn’t meant to be for you. And absolutely there was nothing wrong about you… You are beautifully and wonderfully made.

You don’t need anyone to choose you because God already chose you!